Wombat has started to pursue rolling over. He has mastered the rollover on soft surfaces, such as pillows and couches, and is now moving on to the olympic event of Rolling Over on Hard Surface. This is extremely challenging, as the budding athlete has nothing but his coordination and the strength of his legs to carry him through. Plus, our little one has decided to compete in "rolling back to tummy" event, which is notoriously more difficult than "rolling tummy to back". What an overachiever! :) Wombat is valiantly trying, but having a hard time and so becoming a bit frustrated.
It's pretty amazing to watch him get new skills. Sometimes it seems like he just wakes up one day and decides "That's it. I'm rolling over this week. I'm gonna do it. They can't stop me." All of a sudden, overnight, the kid develops an intense interest in something. And goes and does it. I wish I had the determination and drive of my baby son, I guess, is what I'm saying.
Well, if he keeps it up, he'll be rolling over before we know it. Every time he does roll over he has this huge smile on his face and giggles and looks up very proudly, propping himself up on his little arms. Here is a music video of him rolling over successfully on a couch pillow, his bad self. :)
Roll Over on Soft Surface Event from Olya on Vimeo.

Monday, November 24, 2008
The Quest for Mobility
Friday, November 14, 2008
Encounters of the Lamb Chop kind
When I came to the States, I used to watch the Lamb Chop's Play-Along show all the time. Lamb Chop and Charlie Horse were my favorite characters and largely contributed to my mastery of the English language (including the fuzzy concept of the knock-knock joke). Our friends Paul&Cecilia made my day when they gave us this Lamb Chop doll! And now Lamb Chop has more loving admirers. :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Three Months, 100 Days
He turned 3 months old on November 8. (Our engagement turned 6 years old at the same time, but we forgot about that completely. :) And he is turning 100 days old on Sunday - which, in keeping with the Chinese tendencies he seems to be displaying (see earlier post), we are going to celebrate. :) Here is a recap of the exciting first months:
Born on 08/08/08. Takes over the hearts and minds of all who meet him. :) We come home from the hospital on 08/10/08.
Begins to hold his head up in first week! For the first week or two, only wants to be held and never put down. But sometime in week 2 warms up to the sling - sling becomes our new best friend. After the first 2 weeks of Wombat's life my parents take off, and we are left on our own as new parents, for the first time ever. To cope, we take Wombat to Georgetown and Great Falls Park - t introduce him to yuppiness as soon as possible. He takes to it very well.
Holds Head Up: from Day 1.
Smiles in his sleep: in the first week.
Follows an object with his eyes: 08/27 (2.5 weeks)
Second Month Milestones:
First Social Smile: 09/14 (5 weeks old)
Lifts head when on tummy: 09/07 (4 weeks old)
Grasps a toy: 10/06 (8.5 weeks)
And here is a shot from 6 years ago - of the thing we forgot about. :P
I love you baby.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Chinese Baby
Born on the 08/08/08 - the lucky-est Chinese number, also happening to be the first day of Olympics in.... China. And, in daycare, where each child's stuff has a color sticker, Elijah was assigned.... Red. :)
We should probably learn some things about Chinese culture given that our kid seems determined to be part of it. :) Hey, with the way the world is shrinking, may not be a bad thing! Heeeee heeeee.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thrill Seeking
Here is some footage of our 3-month-old adrenaline junkie. Dad makes an excellent jungle gym and amusement park. :)
Horsie! from Olya on Vimeo.
Swinging It from Olya on Vimeo.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Something for Everyone
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Swaddling Reviews
We tried almost every swaddle on the market, and we have a very clear favorite. Here is a quick review of the swaddles we tried with their benefits and issues.... hope you find it useful!
General Swaddling Info
You can swaddle the baby in any piece of fabric. What makes these swaddles special is their special adaptations to make the wrapping easier. The simplest adaptation is.... being square! A square blanket is better for swaddling because, just like in origami, it lends itself to easy symmetry when folding. :) Here are some good instructions on swaddling folds.
Next come blankets that have been specially engineered for swaddling - beyond the square. They usually consist of a pouch of some sort and then one or two "wing" ends, which are intended to keep your baby's arms down at baby's sides, Army-style. This is important because young babies fling their arms around in their sleep, and will wake themselves up with their own arm motions. At the same time, their legs should be allowed to move freely - all the blankets reviewed here have leg pouches that are wide and will not constrain your baby's little footsies. :)
- Can be the cheapest option (depending on your choice of fabric of course); you can also make one yourself.
- Can be used as a burp cloth, sitting blanket, general purpose blanket.... you get the idea.
It's a bit tough to get the baby to stay in the swaddle. You will need to tie this blanket with ribbon once the swaddle is done. There is absolutely no way in the universe you are going to secure that blanket to itself otherwise. Your little one is going to wiggle his way out, and you will find him in the morning either a) wearing only a diaper, waving his arms all over the place and turning a shade of chilly blue, or b) having pulled the fabric up over his face and freaking you out with the potential breathing issues.

This blanket was our least favorite. It works by pulling fabric over baby's arms, and tucking it under baby's back for arm containment. There is nothing actually holding the blanket together, other then the weight of the baby. Well, our Wombat got his arms out of that in no time by rocking himself side to side and pulling arms out at the same time. We read reviews on Amazon that said other people's babies couldn't get out of this blanket - clearly, those babies do not have engineering in their genes. Ours does and so is using the laws of physics to his advantage. :)
- Light cotton material; won't overheat baby.
- Many colors available.
- The swaddle is difficult to get right (for us, anyway). It disturbs the baby with how many pieces have to be tucked under and around him, and easily comes undone.
- There is no mechanism for securing the fabric other then simply tucking it under the kid. Rest assured the kid will get it untucked. :)
- A bit pricey: $30.
- Velcro attachment makes it impossible for baby to completely unswaddle.
- The material is thick cotton (not fleece), which is great if you are looking for a slightly thicker swaddle.
- The velcro is not quite in the right place. The blanket wraps around the baby like a spiral, up to his face, and secures the last piece of blanket on his chest. Frequently, Wombat would wiggle enough that the swaddle would loosen at the velcro attachment, ride up on him and cover up his face. It would not come completely undone, but still, a baby with a blanket over his face is not good. It happened no matter how tightly we tried to wrap him.
- The Velcro is rough. If somehow your baby manages to get the velcro up against his skin, he could irritate his skin by rubbing up against the velcro I guess.
- Also pricey: $40.
- Comes in 3 fabric options: Light cotton, cotton flannel and micro-fleece.
- Has lots of color choices if you care about that sort of thing.
- Velcro is in all the right places!
- Velcro is very soft and would not irritate skin even if the baby somehow managed to get in contact with it.
- Should the swaddle somehow come undone (never happened for us), there doesn't seem to be any possibility of it riding up on baby's face; it would just fall to the sides. The wings are too short to pose that danger.
- It has an access slot in the back so you can swaddle the baby in the carseat (although we never needed to do that).
- Easy and quick to put on baby, resulting in least displeasure from Wombat. :) No need to tuck fabric around his arms or under his back or any other contortionist procedures.
- Price! $10-12. Readily available in lots of shops, including large chains like Buy Buy Baby.
:) That's it! Wrap'em up! :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
These were taken when Wombat wasn't even 2 months old yet. Notice the resemblance to his gorgeous father. He just can't look away from his Dad. I can't either. :)
Walk in the Park
We headed out to Ken-Gar to enjoy the weather with the little Wombat. Oh what fun. :)
Wombat is fascinated by the leaves.But still finds some time for the camera. :) Meanwhile, Grandpa and Bismarck are on squirrel watch.