I am an only child. So I have no idea what sibling rivalry, or sibling one-upmanship is like. But I have been told by countless siblings of others that they were CONSTANTLY looking for ANY evidence that parents liked one of them better than the other. And I've also been told that having a blog named after Wombat when we have more kids than just Wombat is going to give Wombat the nuclear ammunition in "Who do parents love more" fight.
The name of this blog has become woefully inaccurate, as our set of projects has expanded beoynd just Wombats to now Project Wallaby and, in the future, may be even Project Whoopsie. :) And rather than just renaming this blog, I've decided to move it to Wordpress and to its own domain. If you're going to move, move like you mean it!
But how to rename the blog? Project Wombabie? Project Marsupial? Project Pouch?! Something referencing the 'Outback?' After a few google searches I realized all of those names somewhat, ahem, miss my target audience. Especially if I reference the outback. Or a pouch. 'Nuf said. So I decided to go with The Daily Burrow. No, this does not mean I will now be posting daily. But the 'daily' in it implies a legitimate publication, and I'm always looking for an air of legitimacy and importance. I know. It's not totally accurate, but "A prank-named blog to which I post semi-randomly about whatever I please and gush about my husband and kids" just doesn't have the same ring to it as "The Daily Burrow".
So we have now come to the point of this post: please update your links to the new domain for The Daily Burrow:
If you read this blog in an aggregator, then here is your link for the feed: http://www.dailyburrow.com/?feed=rss2
This will be my last post on Blogger (sniff!). Please come and visit me in my new burrow. One of these days I'll even make a new cute theme for it, and then you'll know I've moved in all the way. Thanks for reading what I write. Please don't stop.

Monday, February 7, 2011
Project Wombat blog is moving!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Paris and fashion
The inaugural issue of Matchbook Magazine has a small profile of a blogger/student who freshly moved to Paris. Look at these pictures. What a well-dressed girl in a city that demands nothing less. Wouldn't you love to look like that? Sigh.
See more eye candy in Matchbook. It's really, really good.
The Sartorialist
I'm a big fan of the blog. This documentary is fascinating; you can watch him as he works. He really stops and observes people; I think I would be to nervous to stare at someone like that. He seems to view the world around him as having arrived for his photoshoot; really cool.
I think this little video also really shows how graceful New Yorkers are. They ignore him and his camera until approached directly, they are distrustful until he shows who he is, and they are stylish, effortless, authentic and gorgeous when photographed. They are glad to be selected to be photographed, but every single person took it as matter-of-course: no one squealed with delight, no one shyed away. Not even the construction worker. You want to take my picture? But of course you do. Man I love New York.
Become a Dentist in 4 Hours!
This Tim Ferris parody on The Bygone Bureau is hilarious.
Read the whole thing here.Congratulations! The fact that you’re reading this book means you’re on your way to achieving your WILDEST DREAMS. You want to be a dentist? I’m going to make it happen. And guess what? It only takes four hours. Let me repeat that: in four hours, you will be a dentist. Take a deep breath and get ready for the ride of your life. Welcome to the 4-Hour Dentist.Listen: I was once just like you — weak, pathetic, not practicing dentistry. I was a lonely turd spiraling down the toilet of life. Now I’m the most successful dentist in the fucking cosmos. Wake up!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Sticky things for Valentine's Day and beoynd
I love everything in Pimplemeees, but this Family Planner takes the pie.

Love these cute kids' tattoos from yet another Dutch shop.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Sesame Street Reggae
Elijah watched this about 10 times, and we haven't been able to get it out of our heads since. Hey, I do love reggae. And we are introducing him to various styles of music. Right?