First, I really like that phrase; like work is somehow not part of life. But I guess that sort of makes sense. The phrase implies a counter-point: there is life, and work is the thing that sucks life out of you. So you need to balance the two. You don't want to be so full of life that you'll just overflow with all the raw enjoyment. That's where work comes in.
Well, this is my second week back at work and my first week without my parents staffing the household to cook, clean and otherwise help me "adjust". I am going to work between 7:30am and 2pm, and then I finish my day from home in the late afternoon. So I still get to hang out with Wombat in the afternoon, which is my joy. :)
Now, my husband is doing great and carrying more than his share of the load. I, on another hand, am not fairing so well. So far, here is a list of my deficiencies. I would appreciate it if you did NOT add to it in the comments. Yes, I know you can think of way more items. Thank you. Great.
1. Wardrobe.
I have come to realize that over the last few months I have only bought shirts with, um, easy breastfeeding access. And all my older button-downs no longer fit (guess why). There is one word to describe this wardrobe at work, and that would be "not appropriate". As a result, I spent each morning this week scraping together an outfit from random pieces, and one of the days actually ended up going to work in a thin grey turtleneck sweater with a suit jacket over it. I looked like a Russian immigrant, fresh off the boat. All I was missing was a pastel pink lipstick. Of course, on that day, I could not find any makeup whatsoever - well, at least while being inappropriate I won't be recognized as myself without makeup. Which brings me to issue number 2.
2. Getting ready.
I have discovered that I am incapable of making coffee, breakfast, packing the daycare bag, packing lunch, feeding Wombat, getting myself dressed and my face war-painted in under 1 hour. I am also incapable of waking up on time, which doesn't help. But it's not my fault. See issue 3.
3. Waking up.
Wombat wakes up on time. Therefore, so do I. And I should get up. But, instead, I think (every morning): "Wombat is up too early! He should sleep more than that! Let me get him back to sleep and then I'll start getting ready". So I get Wombat back to sleep. Guess what happens in the process? Yep, both Wombat and I sleep way past my get-up time. Come think of it, it IS my fault. Wombat is doing everything he can to help his wayward mother.
4. Getting enough time at night.
To finish work. To get Wombat ready for the day. To do laundry. To make dinner. To clean something. To get milk ready. To pay bills.
But, because of this work schedule, life can happen between 2pm and 8pm. And for that, I am very grateful. :)
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have made this list of over 100 fun girl and boy Elf on the Shelf names to
4 months ago
This is a great post! I clicked on it hoping you two figured out the answer..haha.
I am still figuring out the 'balance'. Some days I feel like I can juggle it all and some days not. For example, I only noticed yesterday that I have been wearing a coat to work with food stains on the arm in the shape of little toddler fingers:). I am sure you guys are doing a great job.
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