This is important if you have a Wombat of your own, or ever plan on having one. Wombats of all ages should be allowed to speak freely, and the FISA Amendments Act threatens to change that, fundamentally going against our constitution. This means that Wombat's actions and communications could be subject to surveillance, with no warning or warrant required for the federal government or the NSA to monitor, record, and use the information against him in court. Um, I already lived in a country that did that and, really, one was enough.
The vote on the FISA Act is going to take place tomorrow, July 8. Research this, watch the videos, read the proposed bill, and give your senator a call.
"After the Fourth of July holiday, the Senate will vote on the FISA Amendments Act (FAA), a bill that would betray the spirit of 1776 by radically expanding the president’s spying powers and granting immunity to the companies that colluded in his illegal program. Now that the House has passed the FAA, the Senate is the last front left in the battle against immunity, and every vote -- from cloture, to the amendments, to final passage -- counts."
What Every American Needs to Know (and Do) About FISA Before Tuesday, July 8th from Tim Ferriss on Vimeo.
More information here: EFF Action Alert
It’s Christmas time and many Elf scouts are arriving at their new homes! We
have made this list of over 100 fun girl and boy Elf on the Shelf names to
4 months ago
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