We went to see the midwives today - to put our Wombat through a No-Stress-Test and to avoid Friday's induction. Iggy devised an excellent plan for talking to the midwives, we laid out our argument for why we think the due date they had is wrong, and we went together to talk to them. And - we won, we won, we won! Well, for now. We won a deferrement.
During the NST, Wombat displayed excellent movement and heart rate, and the only stress he showed was in that he, apparently, hated the monitor and target-kicked the thing the entire 20 minutes. Other then that, he was doing fine and seemed perfectly happy. Possibly even entertained.
So it doesn't seem as urgent to induce labor at this point which is good. The induction on Friday is off (yeay!), and our sonogram/biophysical profile is now moved to this Thursday. At that appointment, techs will evaluate the placenta, amniotic fluid and other bits and pieces that are supposed to be supporting the baby. If all of those look good, Wombat will be allowed to stay a little longer (may be until Wednesday or Thursday of next week). If they show deterioration, then Wombat will have to come out Monday or so.
To determine this, we will go back to the midwives' office on Friday morning, to look over the ultrasound results and decide on the actual date of induction. Hopefully, we will be able to show that waiting until the 7th or so (Wednesday) is just fine.
Wombat is on the horizon! :)
It’s Christmas time and many Elf scouts are arriving at their new homes! We
have made this list of over 100 fun girl and boy Elf on the Shelf names to
4 months ago
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